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Ringkasan Hasil Penelitian Tugas Akhir sebagai mahasiswa perikanan
Penambahan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottonii) Terhadap Mutu Mie Basah
Selama Penyimpanan Suhu Dingin
Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Mei 2009 di
Laboratorim Teknologi Hasil Perikanan dan Kimia Pangan Fakultas Perikanan dan
Ilmu Kelatan Universitas Riau. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui
penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) terhadap mutu mie basah selama
penyimpanan suhu dingin.
yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode eksperimen dengan studi
komperatif yaitu melakukan percobaan dengan membandingkan mutu mie basah tanpa
penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) (X0) dan mie basah
dengan penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) (X1) dengan
interval waktu pengamatan 0, 5 dan 10 hari dengan ulangan masing-masing
perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak lima kali yang disimpan pada suhu dingin. Satuan
percobaan adalah mie basah tanpa penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) (X0)
dan dengan penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) (X1) sebanyak
24 unit dengan masing-masing unit 100 gram yang dikemas dalam wadah plastik
Parameter yang digunakan adalah analisis uji organoleptik
(warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur), pemanjangan mie, kadar air, kadar abu, kadar
protein dan kadar karbohidrat dengan memberikan score sheet kepada 25 panelis.
Berdasarkan parameter warna,
aroma dan rasa secara kualitas menurut SNI 01-2987-1992 adalah normal, tekstur
mie basah tanpa penambahan rumput laut (X0) halus sedangkan
ditambahnya rumput laut tekstur mie basah berubah menjadi agak kasar,
pemanjangan mie basah dengan penambahan rumput laut (X1) menunjukkan
perbedaan yang tidak signifikan terhadap mie basah tanpa penambahan rumput laut
(X0) selama penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Untuk kadar air
berdasarkan hasil penelitian X0 dan X1 tidak memenuhi
baku mutu menurut SNI 01-2987-1992, untuk kadar protein berdasarkan
hasil penelitian pada hari ke 0 X0 tidak memenuhi baku mutu dan X1
memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan pada hari ke 5 dan 10 tidak lagi memenuhi baku
mutu berdasarkan SNI 01-2987-1992, untuk kadar abu berdasarkan hasil penelitian
pada hari ke 0 X0 memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan X1 tidak
memenuhi baku mutu kemudian pada hari ke 5 dan 10 masih memenuhi baku mutu
menurut SIN 01-2987-1992, kadar karbohidrat mie basah dengan penambahan rumput
laut (E. cottonii) (X1)
pada hari ke-0 cukup tinggi dibandingkan kadar karbohidrat mie basah tanpa
penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii)
(X0) yaitu 38,45%.
Mutu mie basah dengan penambahan rumput laut (E.
cottonii) (X1) lebih baik jika dilihat dari kadar protein, kadar
abu, kadar karbohidrat. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan
tekstur ) dan pemanjangan mie basah tanpa penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii) (X0) dan mie
basah dengan penambahan rumput laut (E.
cottonii) (X1) memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata. Dilihat
dari uji organoleptik, pemanjangan mie, dan kadar gizi bahwa mie basah dengan
penambahan rumput laut (E. cottonii)
(X1) masih layak untuk dikonsumsi selama penyimpanan 5 hari.
Versi english
characteristics Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Against Wet Noodle Quality During
Cold Storage Temperature
A study was conducted
in April-May 2009 in Laboratorim Technology of Fisheries and Food Chemistry
Faculty of Fisheries and Science University of Riau Kelatan. The research
objective is to determine the addition of sea grass (E. cottonii) the quality
of a wet noodle for cold storage.
The method used in this
study are experimenting with methods of comparative study is done comparing the
quality of the experiment with a wet noodle without the addition of sea grass
(E. cottonii) (X 0) and noodles with the addition of wet seaweed (E. cottonii)
(X 1) with interval observation time 0, 5 and 10 days with replications of each
treatment performed five times, which is stored at cold temperatures. Unit
testing is a wet noodle without the addition of sea grass (E. cottonii) (X 0)
and with the addition of sea grass (E. cottonii) (X 1) as many as 24 units with
each unit of 100 grams packaged in HDPE plastic containers.
The parameter used is
the analysis of organoleptic test (color, smell, taste, texture), the
elongation of noodles, water content, ash content, protein content and
carbohydrate content by providing score sheets to the 25 panelists.
Based on the parameters
color, aroma and taste in quality according to the SNI 01-2987-1992 is a
normal, wet noodle texture without the addition of seaweed (X 0) soft while the
texture of seaweed ditambahnya wet noodle into a bit rough, wet noodle
elongation with the addition of seaweed (X 1) showed no significant difference
on a wet noodle without the addition of seaweed (X 0) during storage at cold
temperatures. For water content based on research results and X 0 X 1 does not
meet the quality standards according to the SNI 01-2987-1992, for protein
content based on research results on day 0 X 0 does not meet quality standards
and X 1 satisfy the quality standards while at day 5 and 10 no longer meets the
quality standards based on SNI 01-2987-1992, ash content according to research
results on day 0 x 0 meets the quality standards while the X-1 did not meet
quality standards and then on days 5 and 10 still meets quality standards
according to the SIN 01-2987-1992, carbohydrates with the addition of a wet
noodle seaweed (E. cottonii) (X 1) on day 0 compared to levels high enough
carbohydrates without the addition of a wet noodle seaweed (E. cottonii) (X 0)
is 38 , 45%.
Quality of wet noodles
by the addition of sea grass (E. cottonii) (X 1) better if viewed from the
protein content, ash content, carbohydrate levels. Based on organoleptic tests
(color, smell, taste and texture) and the elongation of a wet noodle without
the addition of seaweed (E. cottonii) (X 0) and noodles with the addition of
wet seaweed (E. cottonii) (X 1) gives a significantly different effect. Viewed
from the organoleptic test, the elongation of noodles, and levels of nutrients
that the addition of a wet noodle seaweed (E. cottonii) (X 1) is still suitable
for consumption during the 5-day storage.
### Rindu kuliah lagiiiii.... kapan aku bisa melanjutkannya ya...
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